Agriculture can be a powerful climate solution


Agriculture contributes roughly 13 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions but has the potential to be a powerful climate solution.


Accelerate the innovation and adoption of climate-smart practices and technologies to enable farmers, ranchers and scientists to co-create solutions through a global collaborative data framework.

Our agriculture mission to tackle climate change

Through shared knowledge and collaboration, AgMission will mobilize data and research to increase access to information in ways never before possible in agriculture. AgMission is working to directly partner farmers and scientists to participate in trials, moving research off test plots and onto working farms. AgMission is also connecting farmer networks around the globe—for example, scientists are collaborating with farmers across the Americas to better understand real-world carbon dynamics on working farms in diverse climates.

Our Goal: Agriculture is net-zero for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The time is now.

There has never been a more important time to activate agriculture’s potential to reduce emissions and adapt to changing climatic conditions.

  • $500 Billion
    Weather and climate disaster events caused over half a trillion dollars in damages over the last decade and continues to increase.
  • 40%
    Nearly 40 percent of our planet’s landmass is under the stewardship of farmers and ranchers.
  • 3%
    Agricultural climate solutions receive only 3 percent of global climate funding.

Collaborate. Coordinate. Connect.

  • Farmers are at the forefront of climate change, experiencing more frequent damaging extreme weather that threatens our food systems and agriculture’s potential as a climate solution.

  • Through shared knowledge and collaboration, AgMission will mobilize data and research to increase access to information in ways never before possible in agriculture. 

Before AgMission, no single entity attempted to connect farmers, ranchers and scientists around this work to accelerate progress and fill research gaps.

AgMission’s unprecedented collaboration builds on existing research and expands innovation and adaptation to address urgent challenges farmers face. Ultimately, AgMission is developing and deploying climate-smart technologies to unlock agriculture’s potential to address climate change.

We must go further faster; we can get ahead of climate change by working together.

AgMission partners

Our Founding Partners fund collaboration among farmers, ranchers and scientists to develop and deploy locally customized, climate-smart solutions. Join us and be a climate catalyst today.

“We’re striving to feed more people in increasingly sustainable ways by creating a food system in which communities, animals and the planet thrive. It’s been proven time and again that real action comes through convening of partners around steady science-based strategies. We’re proud to contribute to the critically important work of AgMission and its partners to help measurably reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve supply chain resilience and enable regenerative agriculture.”

Marion Gross, Senior Vice President and Chief Supply Chain Officer, North America, McDonald’s

“At our core, PepsiCo is an agriculture company. We source more than 25 crops from over 7 million acres of farmland across 60 different countries. The AgMission partnership empowers us to use that scale and reach to accelerate the world’s understanding of regenerative agriculture, driving progress toward a carbon-zero future for the sector.” 

Margaret Henry, Director of Sustainable Agriculture at PepsiCo.

“Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge of our time. Farmers and ranchers are on the frontlines and have an important role to play in driving solutions that could deliver a host of benefits, including improved water quality, enhanced biodiversity and a resilient food system. We need to help bring natural and technological innovations forward to tackle climate change together.”

Kris Johnson, Director of Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy in North America

  • The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) builds public-private partnerships to fund bold research addressing the biggest food and agriculture challenges.
  • World Farmers Organisation (WFO) advocates for the economic vitality of rural and agricultural communities around the world.