AgMission Climate-Smart Agriculture Adoption RFA Informational Webinar

The AgMission initiative, co-created by the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and World Farmers’ Organisation, recently announced a funding opportunity for research that can accelerate the adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and improve climate resiliency of farms and food supply chains for commodity crops in Australia, Europe, North America or South Africa.

Selected projects will have access to digital outcomes of The International Center for Tropical Agriculture’s (CIAT) efforts on aiding producers with crop management in a changing climate. We welcome those interested in applying to learn more about the funding opportunity during this informational webinar.


  • Allison Thomson, AgMission
  • Tiffany Talsma, CIAT

Matching funds for this opportunity are provided by AgMission Founding Partner PepsiCo.

Informational Webinar Recording

The recorded webinar and slides below describe a Climate Impact Tool developed by CIAT with funding from FFAR and PepsiCo. This tool is intended to provide consistent, easy to access, scientific information on the climate risks to crop production and potential adaptation options. A full list of references is recorded at the end of the slides. The tool is not yet publicly available, but it will be made available to applicants who are invited to submit a full proposal.

Applicants to the AgMission RFA may indicate in their pre-proposals that they intend to use this tool in the development of their full proposals – appropriate uses would be to identify a) specific climate threats to the crop(s) and region(s) of interest and b) potential adaptation practices to focus on in response to those specific threats.

Applicants are not required to use this resource; alternative sources of information on regional and crop specific climate impacts and appropriate adaptation practices can be used. The tool is provided to allow proposals to focus on the implementation of adaptation practices on working farms in response to the current open opportunity. Proposals must include both implementation and research elements to be considered for funding.

Download the Webinar Slides

Additional Information

Read about this Open Opportunity