FFAR COP27 Webinar: AgMission’s™ Efforts to Cultivate Climate Smart Solutions
8:00 am - EST
As part of the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate) roadshow at the 27th annual UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27), FFAR and its partners hosted a webinar to discuss the AgMission program. FFAR and the World Farmers Organisation (WFO) launched AgMission, a global initiative with the objective of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector. This initiative is connecting farmers and scientists to move research off test plots and onto working farms. AgMission has raised $45 million to invest in research and FFAR continues to fundraise for this unprecedented initiative.
AgMission Program Director Allison Thomson moderated the webinar and panelists included:
- Dr. Kris Johnson, The Nature Conservancy
- Dr. Alan Franzleubbers, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
- Dr. Umakant Mishra, Sandia National Laboratories
During the webinar, panelists discussed AgMission and its goals, the importance of climate-smart research for sustainable agriculture and recently funded projects. The webinar concluded with Q&A.
Agriculture contributes roughly 13 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, yet the sector has the potential to also mitigate climate change. While advances to activate agriculture’s mitigation potential are happening in fields and labs around the world, there is no unifying force connecting this work or fostering inclusivity and collaboration among scientists, farmers and ranchers.
AgMission is filling this void by establishing a global collective of farmers, ranchers and scientists co-creating and rapidly expanding innovation, adaptation and the adoption of climate-smart technologies. By driving collaboration across agricultural and scientific communities, AgMission is accelerating effective, economically viable and locally customized climate-smart solutions.
AgMission was launched in February 2020 and was included as one of AIM for Climate’s original Innovation Sprints.